These post types launched on 3/24/2020 and are in response to the Coronavirus. This posts is just a quick FAQ on the new post type.
Q: How do COVID Posts differ from regular Posts on GMB?
A: COVID-19 posts would appear more prominently on your business page, allowing customers to more easily understand the current status of your business and how you operate during these times.
Q: What is the length of time this will display on the listing? I would assume Google will display this throughout the entirety of COVID-19 issues, but it’s not clear. Are you able to confirm?
A: COVID-19 post type will be available for 14 days. We might adapt to different lengths based on the ongoing status of COVID-19.
Q: Are Covid-19 posts available for listings verified after January, 1, 2020?
A: We are making posts available to all listings as soon as the bug gets fixed.
Q: I would love to know how long these stay posted. Also, will they be in front of other posts? Or if another post is made will they be pushed back?
A: COVID-19 posts will immediately appear on the post carousel and “Updates” tab on this Business profile. We are working to make COVID-19 content appear in an even more relevant way to consumers (this is not part of today’s launch). On consumer surfaces, COVID-19 posts will be live for 14 days. We might adjust the duration based on ongoing events.
Q: Any plans to allow for images?
A: Our goal is to ensure these updates are useful for customers and as informational as possible, given their high prominence on the page. We will continue to monitor support for additional use-cases as we go.
Q: Are these coming to the API?
A: This is in discussion, stay tuned.
Q: How do COVID Posts differ from regular Posts on GMB?
A: COVID-19 posts would appear more prominently on your business page, allowing customers to more easily understand the current status of your business and how you operate during these times